March 2022
Measured #2 by Sue Lorraine.
Gray Street Workshop is delighted to invite you to the launch of the 2022 Adelaide Fringe exhibition Measured #2
The exhibition is being shown in our specially fitted out POD and the ceremonial lifting of the roller door is on Thursday 3 March from 5.30pm to 7.30pm.
Have you ever wondered how to measure the emotions of our time? Uncertainty, intimacy, anxiety, relief, reflection, introspection and aspiration.
Measured #2 is an installation of beguiling objects that tackle that very challenge. A personal contemplation on the measurable and unmeasurable limits and margins of a world in flux.
The exhibition hours are
4-5 March 11.00 - 5.00pm
11-13 March 11.00am - 5.00pm
18-20 March 11.00am - 5.00pm
or by appointment
What better way to celebrate the 35th anniversary of Gray Street Workshop than to announce some fabulous news?
Gray Street Workshop is delighted and excited to welcome Lisa Furno as the newest workshop partner.
Lisa brings with her an understanding of issues around social and environmental responsibility and a creatively light-hearted approach to tackling weighty subjects.
Known for her bold use of colour, recycled plastics and a playful aesthetics, Lisa’s mischievous use of materials and energetic approach to making will add another dimension to the workshop.
Lisa will join Jess Dare, Catherine Truman and Sue Lorraine in running Gray Street Workshop and together the partners are looking forward to future projects, collaborations and conversations and to developing the shared and creative workshop space.
Radiant Pavilion
Catherine, Sue and Jess have just returned from Melbourne where they were exhibiting Theatre of Detail at Funaki Project Space during Radiant Pavilion, a week long event includes urban interventions, performances and installations, as well as exhibitions, talks and open studios celebrating aspects of contemporary jewellery and object practice. Fingers crossed this is the first of many radiant pavilions!!!
It was an action packed week and we were thrilled to be a part of it. We had scores of people through the gallery each day and a fantastic response to our work and lots of people interested in coming an working with us at Gray Street.
Crossley Street was also being occupied by a number of New Zealand jewellers, it was so nice to spend some time with them and we are super excited about spending more time with them in their respective home towns when we take Theatre of Detail to New Zealand in March 2016.
Thank you to all those who attended our Theatrette during the Adelaide Fringe Festival, showing Provocations: inimitable voices, the body & progressive thinking. A film event curated by Sim Luttin and presented by Gray Street Workshop. Two programs that aim to provoke questions about art and craft practice, the body, its boundaries and innovative ways of thinking all in our very own driveway cinema!
This year Gray Street Workshop celebrates 30 years as an artist run space… a very good reason to celebrate and that is exactly what we are going to do!!!
Soft Landscapes
To kick the year off we have a pop up exhibition soft landscapes by workshop tenants Kelly Jonasson and Nadja Maher. The exhibition launch is this Sunday, 8 February from 2-4pm please come along and brings your friends.
Theatre of Detail
The workshop celebrations will continue throughout the year with an exciting program of exhibitions and events under the banner of Theatre of Detail.
Starting this month is the Calendar Girls Project a year-long online presentation of the work and practice of twelve alumni and tenants of the workshop, culminating in an exhibition early next year. The Theatre of Detailexhibition, new work by workshop partners Jess Dare, Sue Lorraine and Catherine Truman, will open in our gallery on 5 March and this will be followed by the Theatrette, a pop-up driveway cinema featuring a curated program of jewellery related films on 11, 12 and 18, 19 of March. Please see our website for more information.
The Calendar Girls Project is underway and the featured Calendar Girl for the month of February is Kath Inglis.
Images, film clips and fascinating insights into Kath’s practice will be up loaded onto our website, Facebook and Instagram pages over the course of the month.
Image: Gold Doily Cuff, Kath Inglis, photography by Craig Arnold
Then of course there is our regular exhibition program….and this year we have a fantastic line up including Sim Luttin (Vic.), Erin Keys (NSW), Vicki Mason (Vic.) and a vibrant exhibition of contemporary New Zealand jewellery curated by Lisa Furno.
Please keep a close eye on our website and social media pages for up-to-date information on all of our events.
The Theatre of Detail project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body.